ALFRED JONES - The master, the commodore (Vice-Admiral G.T.C.P. Swabey CB DSO RN), 6 naval staff members, 38 crew members, 4 gunners and 12 passengers were picked up by the British corvette HMS Marguerite (K 54) (LtCdr A.N. Blundell) and landed at Freetown.
ALIPORE - The master, 68 crew members and 4 gunners in the lifeboats were taken in tow by the fishing schooner United Eagle of
At 21.53 hours on 17 Mar, 1942, the unescorted Allende (Master Thomas James Williamson) was torpedoed and sunk by U-68 20 miles south of Cape Palmas, Liberia. Six crew members were lost. The master, 30 crew members and two gunners landed at Taba, French Ivory Coast and were interned by the Vichy French authorities at Bobo Dioulassu.
ANADYR - The survivors made landfall at the Brazilian coast after 8 days: the master and seven survivors landed at Porto de Galinhas near Recife and 39 survivors landed 20 miles south of Recife.
ANDALUCIA STAR - The master, 157 crew members, 9 gunners, 79 passengers and 5 DBS were picked up by the British corvette HMS Petunia (K 79) (LtCdr J.M. Rayner) and landed at
ARABISTAN - The master, 61 crew members, 4 gunners and 2 passengers landed near
BANDAR SHAPOUR - The master, 61 crew members, 8 gunners and 7 passengers were picked up by HMS Birdlip (T 218) (Lt. E.N. Groom, RNR) and landed at Freetown.
BARON DECHMONT - 28 crew members and eight gunners landed at Fortaleza Brazil.
BARON JEDBURGH - 33 Survivors landed at the
BARON NEWLANDS - The Master, 17 crewmembers and 2 gunners landed at Great Sesters and Piccaniani Cess near Cape Palmas Liberia.
BARON OGILVY - The master, 28 crew members and 4 gunners were picked up by the Portuguese merchant Mouzinho and landed at Capetown.
BEECHWOOD - 36 crew members, 5 gunners and one stowaway were picked up by the RFA fleet oiler Fortol (Master Herbert Walker Flint) and landed at Freetown.
BENLOMOND - 1 sole survivor landed at the state of
BENMOHR - The Master, 51 crewmembers and 4 gunners, were rescued by one British Sunderland Flying boat (Sqdn 95) and landed at Freetown
BENVRACKIE – The master, 40 crewmembers, 4 gunners and 10 survivors were rescued after 13 days in lifeboats by the British Hospital ship HMHS Oxfordshire and landed at Freetown.
BRADFORD CITY – The Master, 36 crewmembers and 8 gunners after being questioned by the Germans made up their way to land and made ashore at Walvis Bay and were rescued by South African troops.
BRITISH GRENADIER - The master, 22 crew members and 2 gunners were picked up by the Portuguese steam merchant Ganda and 24 crew members were rescued by the Spanish tanker Jose Calvo Sotelo and landed at Freetown.
BRITISH PREMIER - 9 crew members were picked up on 3 Jan, 1941, by HMS Hawkins (I 86) (Capt H.P.K. Oram, RN) and landed at Freetown. 4 survivors were rescued on 3 February off the west coast of Africa after 41 days in an open boat (25 days without food) by HMS Faulknor (H 62) (Capt A.F. de Salis) and landed at Freetown.
BRITTANIA - Boat No. 7 with Third Mate Mac Vicar in charge, reached the island of Curupu State of Maranhão Brazil on 17 April 1941. Of its 82 original occupants, (18 Europeans and 64 Asians) only 33 survived.
BRUYÈRE - The master, 44 crew members and 6 gunners were picked up by HMS Petunia (K 79) (LtCdr J.M. Rayner) and the British armed trawler HMS Sir Wistan (4.105) (Lt W.H. Forster) and landed at Freetown.
CINGALESE PRINCE - 15 crew members and 3 gunners were rescued after 12 days by the Spanish merchant Castillo Montjuich and landed at St.Vincent, Cape Verde Islands. Above a sister ship SIAMESE PRINCE
CITY OF ATHENS - The master, 80 crew members, 9 gunners and 8 passengers (Admiralty staff) were picked up by HMS Active (H 14) (Lt.Cdr. M.W. Tomkinson, RN) and landed at Capetown.
CITY OF BARODA - One crew member and 7 passengers were lost. The master, 124 crew members, 4 gunners and 196 passengers were picked up by HMS Cape Warwick (FY 167) (Lt W.E. Goggin) and landed in Capetown.
CITY OF WELLINGTON - The master, 60 crew members and 5 gunners were picked up by HMS Velox (D 34) (Lt G.B. Barston) and landed at Freetown.
CLAN MACPHERSON - The master, 126 crew members, 7 gunners and 2 naval signalmen were picked up by HMS Arran (T 06) (T/Lt D.S. Hutton, RNR) and landed at Freetown the same day.
CLAN MACTAVISH - The master, 51 crew members, 2 gunners and 7 survivors were lost. 36 crew members, 3 gunners and 28 survivors were picked up by the British merchant Matheran and landed at Capetown.
CLEMENT - 16 men were fished out by the Brazilian steamer Itatinga, while the other 31 remaining survivors made ashore at
COLONIAL – The master, the convoy Commodore (Rear Adm. W. B. Mackenzie RN) 88 crewmembers, 6 Naval staff members and 4 gunners were picked up by British Battleship HMS Centurion I-50, (Lieut. Cmdr. R. W. Wainwright) and landed at Freetown.
CONGONIAN - The master and 34 crew members were picked up by the British merchant Devonshire and landed at Freetown.
CORABELLA - The master, 30 crew members and 8 gunners were picked up by the A/S trawler HMS Birdlip (T 218) (Lt E.N. Groom) and landed at Freetown the next day.
CORINTHIC - The master, 36 crew members and 2 gunners were picked up by the Dutch tanker Malvina and landed at Freetown.