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Picture provided by COASTERS & OTHER SHIPS Copyright BANGSBO MUSEUM
Built 1922
Tonnage 4,422 / 7,165 dwt
Length 376,3 ft.
Beam 51,10 ft.
Draught 24,0 ft.

Cargo: 986 tons of diesel oil

Route.  Santos - Brest
Scuttled 21 JUN 41 to avoid capture by HMS London on pos. 02º05”S 27º42”W
37 crewmembers were rescued as POW

On 24 April 1941, Babitonga, which had been in Santos, Brazil since the outbreak of the war, ran with 1,120 t of diesel, food and water to support the German auxiliary cruiser Atlantis. It was after Konigsberg, Rio Grande and Dresden, the fourth and last merchant ship, which was sent from the stage in Brazil to supply the German auxiliary cruiser.

After supplying the Atlantis, Babitonga remained in the middle of May at the disposal of the auxiliary cruiser. On the way to a renewed meeting with the Atlantis she was discovered and shot at by the British cruiser London. The Babitonga (ex Osiris) in order to avoid capture on June 21, 1941, was scuttled on the position 02 ° 05 '00 "S, 27 ° 42' 00" W.

On 7 July 1941 it was learned that the German ship Babitonga had been intercepted and destroyed by the British Cruiser London in the South Atlantic some 380 miles east of Pernambuco. Following an investigation made by Port Authority at Recife, documents  demonstrated that the German ship used the name JAPARA and flew the Dutch flag, it had received in its tanks 986 tons of fuel oil, and 850 represented a surplus, which was intended for the supply of German raiders. According to the Brazilian Navy Ministry, the Government itself has acceded to a request from an important politician to provide the excessive volume of oil requested. 

HMS LONDON. The Royal Navy exerted a tight grip in the South Atlantic sea lanes turning the task of German merchants in  break out a very dangerous one. Only  few ships managed to pass unscathed, but just to be caught in the next run.


The moment when HMS London fired her guns against Babitonga. Soon she went down


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